
I'm Back!


Hi there.,

quite a long time i didn't write an entry rite?? Semua dh this is my second blog ,, my first blog had deleted.. 

New story: TELAGA MAS!

hari tuh Zyqa pi kmpong banggol cengal, telaga mas untuk buat gotong royong,, dgn tlong ape yang ptot.. most of them are needed.. thanked god we can help them.. bnyk yang anak tinggal,, lumpuh even buta pon.. very pity,, 


lepas dh berarak sakan punya jauh,, finally kmi semua sampai kat surau a.k.a balai raya diorang,, lepas dh dibhgikan kumpulan and duty,, kmi semua berarak ke rmh depa,, smbil2 tuh tgok lah persekitaran dan suasana kpg depa,, ada yang uzur dan ada yang okokok jee,, a little bit tiring b'cause the place was quite far from surau,, OF COURSE WE SWEATING,, hee ,, i guess i lost 3 kilogram of my weight.. hahaha
after helped them,, we back to surau for solat zohor.. 

masa nak blik tuh bas dah penoh,, dh la LARI bukan men jauh lagi berbukit bukau pulook tuh,, last2 bas dh pnoh soo kna tuggu bas no 2.. mmg lma gilaaaa ,, lebih kurang 30 minutes .. mmg terdengar sora sumbg kt blkag dok mki lah,,,

finally the bas was here,, 
msok dlm bs,,, TIDO lah aper lagi.. smpi kt seklah jalan kedek2 pi kt qeta ayh.. as i entered  my father's car,, ayh tnyer " cena tdi?" just sighed to him and ZZZZZZ sleep!!!!!

that is the end of the story.. i hope you like it!

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Hak Milik Cipta ZyqaBerry EiraLove